Friday, January 25, 2013


I'm pretty new to the whole blogging thing. I have followed other blogs for years, but never really broke down and made one of my own. I have a hard time doing more than one thing at a time. I started off with good ol MySpace, then came along Facebook. I tried to keep up with both pages for about three days and decided to just stick with Facebook. I used to really love Facebook, but I'm not diggin all the spam and ads that now fill my news feeds. I still keep my page, mainly because that's the only means of communication(sadly)between a lot of my family and I. I do also have a twitter for my craft business, but I have no idea how to use it.

I like trying new things, I try a lot of new recipes, I love Pinterest and I try a lot of things from that website. But I do have a bad habit of changing nearly every recipe I come across. I don't measure anything (I am getting better at that though)and I do a lot of the, "we'll this sounds like it would be good, so what the heck, Lets try it" recipes. (By the way, those kind of recipes don't always turn out like I imagine in my head and we end up ordering pizza or eating cereal, so my husband is always scared when he asks what is for dinner and I reply with, "I don't know what to call it, but I think it will taste good").
With that said, I mostly made this blog to share my recipes(don't worry, only the ones that have been tested out on my family and passed), Pinterest recipes that turned out great, maybe a few of my craft or Pinterest projects, or just whatever I feel like posting that is kinda too much to put on a Facebook status. Enjoy!

- Tiffany

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